The company claims that it reduces set-up time required to calibrate a test system for a new shift or to reconfigure a system for a change in the device under test (DUT). It combines audio analyser (signal generation and acquisition), power amplifier, headphone amplifier, and microphone power supply, and any required digital interface such as Bluetooth. It thereby eliminates the multiple individual components, often from a variety of vendors and associated cabling. There is a ‘down the line’ risk in terms of reliability and quality, says Audio Precision, from using an assortment of components. In addition, each configuration of a connection point, takes time. Unlike those individual components, the acoustic analyser is delivered with an accredited ISO/IEC 17025 calibration, adds the company.
The acoustic analyser is an integrated system, delivered with a three-year warranty and accredited calibration.
It is also, says the company, available at the price of a production test. For example, the base model ($6,000) can perform the functional test of headphones, speakers, drivers and microphones. Configuring the system for specific DUT, interface or measurement requirements is equally affordable for manufacturers, says the company, with advanced configurations priced to compete with systems assembled from separate software, soundcard, amplifiers, mic power supplies and digital interface devices, while eliminating the extra time needed to assemble such systems.